contatori statistiche Terms and Conditions (en-GB)

::Terms and Conditions::

 - you can not smoke in the apartment
- you can not keep pets

- Check-out Canalvise-Alvisiano

  1. On the day of departure, the apartment must be vacated by 10.00 a.m.

  2. Before leaving check that you have taken all your belongings, clothes and luggage.

  3. You can not leave your luggage (even if closed) after 10.00 on the day of check-out.

  4. Do not leave waste in the apartment. (at most a small bag of waste)

  5. Do not forget anything in the refrigerator or freezer.

  6. Before going out always turn off all lights and electrical appliances (TV, air conditioners, iron, ...), check that the taps of the bathrooms and the kitchen are closed.

  7. Close the wooden windows when you go out 

  8. Before leaving always check that the gas rings and the oven are switched off.

  9. According to the agreements leave the keys in the indicated place.



  1. Always close the windows when you go out! (there is always the risk of rain entering, or that the wind will break the windows, and also to avoid the entry of insects and birds...)

  2. Before leaving the house, always check that all gas stove taps and the oven are turned off.